Welcome To Back


Over the past couple weeks I have landed myself hospital a couple times with anaphylactic shock, seems my body decided the humble age of 26 was a good enough time as any to develop new shellfish allergies. Had a really scary couple weeks not knowing exactly what I was allergic to whilst waiting for the test results.
When I eventually returned to school after a couple days off in the hospital my favorite third year class decorated the black board with messages for Athough half the boys are terrors to teach they cute lil things at times, needless to say I was quite touched by the gesture.


5 thoughts on “Welcome To Back

  1. Hi Daniel,

    Hope you’re well. It’s been a long time since you updated this, but for some reason I still check it every few months to see if you do. How are you doing these days? Do you have Twitter or anything like that? Are you still in Japan?

    Anyway, I’ll stop the line of inquiry here and just say your blog was a great reference over the years while I waited for my time to apply for JET. All the best!

    • Awww that’s so sweet, you really made my, I really appreciate that and am glad that my rambling were of some help to you 🙂
      yeah I lost the motivation to keep posting a long while back since it really did require quite an investment time wise. I instead turned my attention to studying Japanese. I am still in Japan though, although only for a few more weeks as I am headed home in feb to finish my masters.
      Yano what I might just write a new entry soon, you have inspired me.
      Have a good one,

  2. I’ve been reading your blog while at working wondering whether or not I should apply for JET. You’ve definitely inspired it to give it a shot and even apply for Kobe. I am little sad now I don’t have any more life updates.

  3. My comment didn’t post :(. not sure if you even check this but i’ve been interested in participating in JET and your blog was a great read

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